Friday, January 05, 2007

ridley scott's director's cut of LEGEND (1985)

it's kind of disappointing that i have to start off this blog with a movie i really didn't enjoy very much. somehow i managed to go through childhood without seeing this film, and i don't feel like i'm any worse off for it. Scott's made some films i enjoy (most particularly Alien several years previous) and is always very technically competent, so it was the incompetence of the pacing, structure, direction, and editing that really caught me off guard. the makeup is good (especially on Tim Curry, who gloriously chews the scenery, spits it out, and chews it back up again, as he is wont to do) but it's not emotionally engaging, and the awkward blocking and shot choices only compound the problems. there is never a sense of character, and there is never a sense of place.

i have, of course, not seen the theatrical version of the film, but i'm actually a bit curious to, as maybe he had to make a few quality concessions in order to restore his "vision." one thing's for sure, though: Tangerine Dream's original score could not have been worse than Jerry Goldsmith's overactive, directionless bombast.

also, there is one other thing for sure: Tom Cruise used to have one fucked up grill.

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