Saturday, May 05, 2007

sam raimi's SPIDER-MAN 3 (2007)

what happened here? the third Spider-Man seems to have been systematically purged of everything that made the second one such an unmitigated creative success. attention to character, thematic unity, careful pacing, performance, and, most crucially, expert storytelling...every one jettisoned in favor of bloat and lazy spectacle. it's not a bad film, really, but it wrestles fruitlessly with a mediocrity that, at this point in the series, should never have been part of the equation. (i'm tempted to elaboate on its weaknesses, but it would be little more than a long list of the small mistakes and miscalculations that undermine the film from start to finish.) Spider-Man 3 is a $250 million dollar first draft of what it could have and should have been, and nothing less than a colossal disappointment.

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