Wednesday, December 26, 2007

nicholaus goussen's GRANDMA'S BOY (2005)

a surprising number of friends have recommended this movie to me, so i took advantage of a late-night showing on HBO, and was unsurprised; it's essentially everything i had pegged it as when i steered so carefully clear of it when it was released - crass, poorly assembled, and ruthlessly inessential - but it's also not too hard to see why someone in the right mood might find it perfectly diverting. overwhelmingly non-talented "star"/mastermind Allen Covert hasn't the least excuse to ever appear in front of the camera, but there's good work from the supporting cast (particularly co-writer Nick Swardson, whose faculty for arrested development in a smaller role surpasses Covert's to an embarrassing extent) and a surprising degree of watchability. a lot of press seemed to peg it as Adam Sandler's sloppy seconds (it was made by frequent collaborators but apparently passed on by Sandler, who produced instead) but the least you can say about Grandma's Boy is that it's far closer in spirit to his own heyday than anything he's made in a while.

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